If you are new to outdoor sowing, it’s worth conducting a soil test to determine what kind of soil you have so that you can ...
Flowering in the Princess of Wales Conservatory at Kew Gardens, Pseudohydrosme gabunensis is as elusive as they come.
Hardy, soil-less air plants double as home décor. Discover air plant facts, good options to start with, how to care for them ...
Buying plants and seeds online is not only convenient but you’ll often find varieties that aren’t available at garden centres and you can shop from companies that specialise in a particular kind of ...
If this is the year you want to grow vegetables or plant some flowers, it's about time to take action. Established green thumbs also need to prepare for spring, too. Need a break? Play the USA ...
The powerful scent of rotting flesh is set to waft through the air at a Melbourne garden centre to the delight of hundreds of ...
If you are planning to try your hand to grow vegetables or plant some flowers, it's about time to take action. Established green thumbs also need to prepare for spring, too. Need a break?
Using current technological and scientific advances, we are able to observe a snapshot of a plant group that is rapidly ...
Fill your garden with fragrant herbs like thyme without the need for seeds by propagating using thyme cuttings to create ...