Around 12:12 p.m., he said he passed a white Chevy pickup ... its protected," he warned. NBC New York reached out to the MTA, which operates and maintains the bridge, but haven’t heard back.
Heart-pounding dashcam video captured a Brooklyn man miraculously dodging death when high winds on the Verrazano-Narrows Bridge sent a ... aired by WABC-TV New York. “I was in complete shock ...
In New York City, the Brooklyn, George Washington, Manhattan, Outerbridge Crossing, Verrazano Narrows and ... is also listed for the Commodore Barry Bridge over the Delaware River and the Vincent ...
NEW YORK (WABC) -- Nearly a year since the catastrophic collapse of the Francis Scott Key Bridge after a container ... Williamsburg, Verrazano Narrows and George Washington bridges.
according to footage aired by WABC-TV New York. David Deng and his family were driving to a funeral last week when high winds on the Verrazano-Narrows Bridge changed their day. Picture ...