Jesper With-Fogstrup is Group CEO at Moneypenny, with a global perspective on leadership and a steadfast commitment to people and tech. Read Jesper With-Fogstrup's full executive profile here.
Jesper Just was born in 1974 in Copenhagen, and he lives and works in New York. A visual artist who employs cinematic conventions, Just works primarily in film and occasionally in performance. While ...
Jesper Cornelius starter inde mod Randers fredag aften. Og han glæder sig til at bevise sig over for sin tidligere klub I en ung alder blev Jesper Cornelius sorteret fra i Randers, som han fredag ...
Jesper Madsen blev svimmel og faldt under Champions League-opgøret mellem Veszprém og Sporting CP torsdag aften. Det var ikke behagelige billeder, da Jesper Madsen mistede balancen kort før ...
MONTREAL – The game was still a week away, but Jesper Bratt couldn’t help already thinking about it. With the Team Sweden-USA matchup set for Monday night at TD Garden in Boston to close out ...
Flere nye navne figurerer i Jesper Jensens trup til den kommende landsholdssamling. Flere profiler er udeladt, når Danmarks kvindelige håndboldlandshold samles i marts, hvor der i stedet er blevet ...