HALIFAX – Scientists who went aboard a Royal Canadian Navy mission to Antarctica say the trip demonstrated how portable labs ...
The funding will cover this year's operations of the Sikuliaq, an ice-capable ship used for research cruises around Alaska.
When the Chicago-size iceberg drifted away, scientists seized the opportunity to study the life and geologic formations ...
The Mozambique Channel, between Mozambique and Madagascar, is home to some of the most turbulent waters in the ocean.
During a voyage off the east coast of Africa, researchers collected detailed measurements of massive swirling currents that ...
The month-long trial shows that upgrades will allow it complete more frequent and intensive scientific research missions, state media says.
Scientists have determined that at least six new aquatic species have been thriving under an Antarctic ice shelf.
Tour Details: Tara will be moored at Canning Half Tide Dock in the Royal Albert Dock on Saturday, March 29th. Guided tours, ...
Nestled away in the Indian Ocean, the bank’s seagrass habitats are being decimated by a multinational fleet of fishing ships ...
A growing industry is racing to engineer a solution to global warming using the absorbent power of the oceans.