Home - KY Hemp and Cannabis Analytical Testing Laboratory
Oct 23, 2024 · With a client base across 47 states and more than 30 countries, KCA Labs provides regulatory testing, material profiling, contaminants analysis, and research and development to growers, producers, brands, and retailers.
FAQ - KCA Labs Multisite
Why is my Delta-8-THC above 0.3% when testing at KCA Labs, but compliant (below 0.3% or Not Detected) elsewhere?
Contact Us - KCA Labs Multisite
Do you have a question or are you interested in partnering with KCA Labs? We’d love to hear from you. Please complete the form below and someone will get in contact with you shortly.
Our Science - KCA Labs Multisite
The commitment to a science-driven approach to testing at KCA Labs means that your materials will be tested by scientists who have decades of experience in producing reliable and defensible results. We rely on validated methods of analysis, application of scientific principles, risk-based analysis, and appropriate statistical methods to achieve ...
Terms and Conditions of Service - KCA Labs Multisite
These Terms and Conditions of Service (“Terms”) govern all industrial hemp product testing services (“Service”) offered for sale by KCA Laboratories LLC, a Kentucky limited liability company (“KCA”) to persons or entities requesting such services (“Client”).
Affiliations - KCA Labs Multisite
Real Tested CBD provides unbiased 3rd party tested lab results of the most popular CBD products on the market, for free. KCA Labs is the testing provider for Real Tested CBD as of May 2022.
Testing - KCA Labs Multisite
KCA Labs offers testing for cannabinoid potency, terpenes, residual solvents, pesticides, heavy metals, microbials, and mycotoxins, plus custom research.
Our Science - KCA Labs
KCA Labs was founded with the belief that the growth of the hemp industry has been significantly limited due to the lack of science behind it.
Client Setup Form - KCA Labs Multisite
Interested in testing with KCA Labs? Please complete the form below to complete the new client registration process. Once reviewed by a KCA administrator, you will be given access to the KCA Labs Client Portal.
About - Vist our site to learn what sets KCA Labs apart from the rest.
kca研究所について - kca研究所は、ヘンプ産業の成長は、その背後にある科学の欠如のために著しく制限されているという信念のもとに設立されました。