Investing in Indonesia | Indonesia Investments
With its vast archipelago Indonesia has an enormous potential for durable economic growth. Indonesia-Investments follows this development closely and intends to participate, cooperating in projects with local entrepreneurs or the Indonesian government. One of our values is that the process of economic development should lead to increasing welfare and prosperity for the population as a whole.
Astra International - Indonesia Investments
PT Astra International Tbk (Astra) is one of the largest diversified conglomerates in Indonesia. This investment holding company is often regarded as the barometer of the Indonesian economy due to its presence in various sectors (automotive, agribusiness, heavy equipment, mining, energy, financial services, information technology, and infrastructure & logistics).
How to Establish a Foreign Company (PT PMA) in Indonesia?
Estimated Time (days) • Principle License & Business License from BKPM 7 • Deed of Establishment (containing the Articles of Association) legalized by a Public Notary: 1 to 2 • Legalization of the legal entity status of the PT PMA by the Ministry of Law and Human Rights: 10 • Domicile Letter from the local district authority
LQ45 Index - Indonesia Investments
The LQ45 index, compiled by the research and development division of the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX), consists of 45 stocks that meet a number of specific criteria. One of the key criteria is that these stocks are among the most liquid traded on the IDX. The composition of the LQ45 index is adjusted twice per year (in February and August).
Indonesia Investments Released January 2025 Report: 'Becoming a …
On Tuesday 4 February 2025, Indonesia Investments released the January 2025 edition of its monthly report. This report discusses key political, economic and social developments that unfolded in Indonesia in the month of January 2025.
Indonesia Investments Released Its February 2025 Report: 'Roller ...
Mar 6, 2025 · What Do We Discuss in the Report? The first article is devoted to an analysis of Indonesia's new sovereign wealth fund, Danantara. We certainly also highlight the risks of having all state-owned assets and significant capital injections from the central government being managed by a small group of people in high political positions or with high political links.
Asia's Emerging Market - Economics - Indonesia Investments
Indonesia was often mentioned as an appropriate candidate to be included in the BRIC countries (Brazil, Russia, India and China). Another set of emerging economies - grouped under the acronym CIVETS (Colombia, Indonesia, Vietnam, Egypt, Turkey and South Africa) - also gained attention as its members have reasonably sophisticated financial …
Cement Industry of Indonesia: Country’s Cement Companies …
Jul 8, 2024 · It has been a while since we last published an article on Indonesia’s cement industry. Therefore, it is interesting to present an update. Indonesia’s cement industry was a truly booming industry in the early 2010s as domestic cement demand was strong around that time on the back of the construction of property and infrastructure.
Perusahaan Indonesia - Profil & Data - Indonesia Investments
Seksi ini berisi profil perusahaan di Indonesia - baik yang terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia (BEI) maupun perusahaan swasta dan BUMN.
Holcim Indonesia | Indonesia Investments
Holcim Indonesia is Indonesia's third largest cement producer. It is a cement-based building materials and service provider with operations in two countries, Indonesia and Malaysia.